
2010 ILRF Annual Report

Publication Date: 

July 25, 2011

Check out ILRF's 2010 Annual Report to learn more about our key accomplishments throughout the year. Through our four major campaign areas (Rights for Working Women, Creating a SweatFree World, Freedom at Work and Stop Child and Forced Labor), we continued to fight for just and humane treatment for workers worldwide.

You can support our continued success by making a donation online here.

S'mores Action: Color-In Petition to Hershey

Publication Date: 

May 26, 2011

As part of our summer S'mores action, you can download this color-in petition to Hershey and get your friends and family to join you in calling on Hershey to go Fair Trade! This version of the petition is perfect for kids (or adults) to color in for a fun summer activity. Remember that you do NOT need to make S'mores in order to collect signatures on this petition -- we want you to make your voice heard no matter what.

To download the traditional, signature petition to Hershey, click here.

S'mores Action: Petition to Hershey

Publication Date: 

May 26, 2011

As part of our summer S'mores action, you can download this petition to Hershey and get your friends and family to join you in calling on Hershey to go Fair Trade! Remember that you do NOT need to make S'mores in order to collect signatures on this petition -- we want you to make your voice heard no matter what.

Send completed petitions to: International Labor Rights Forum, 1634 I St. NW, Suite 1001, Washington, DC 20006 

Colombia: Falling Further Behind in the Fight Against the Impunity of Anti-Union Violence: 2009 Annual Impunity Report

Publication Date: 

December 22, 2010

The third in a series of annual reports, which reviews and analyzes the available 2009 rulings issued by specialized Colombian courts that were created in 2006 to address cases of anti-union violence. This 2009 report includes an analysis of the convictions, the challenge to prosecute both material and intellectual authors, the alleged motives behind these crimes, and the continued need for a systematic approach in the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.

Freedom at Work Toolkit 2010

Publication Date: 

October 7, 2010

Workers around the world face systematic barriers to organizing, including egregious acts of violence and intimidation. Thousands of workers were physically and verbally harassed, arrested and abducted for their involvement with unions as they continue to be denied their fundamental, internationally recognized right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
